Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | 24-Hour Emergency Storm Service Available
Fully Licensed & Insured

Twigg Tree Care Services

Phone Icon (904) 514-3132

Free Estimates available

Tree Services Tailored to Your Needs

Twigg Tree Care Services is proud to offer a wide variety of effective tree services. Using cranes and other equipment, we perform tree removal, pruning, storm cleanup, and more. If you'd like to take advantage of our convenient services, please contact us today to learn more.

Tree Care

From storm cleanup to palm pruning, we do it all. We offer pruning of dead limbs, crown pruning, and limb-up services to help lift the canopy. For example, if you have a live oak that needs a little help, we'll lift its limbs and ensure its natural growth. If your tree has dead limbs, we'll remove them to prevent potential building damage. Pine and oak trees in particular often have a large number of dead limbs, so be sure to call us to ask for a consultation if you have these types of trees on your property.

If a tree falls on your property, or you worry that one might, please contact us for 24/7 emergency tree care and removal services. We provide 24/7 emergency services to meet your needs. Pre-hurricane tree care is always a smart investment, so contact us before hurricane season arrives to care for your trees and remove some if necessary. Once your tree is removed, we'll provide stump grinding to keep your property clear. While it's always best to deal with tree issues before a storm, we also offer complete post-storm cleanup to meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more and to request your free estimate.

Tree Trimming


We provide on-site tree care consultations from a certified arborist. We'll explain all costs in detail so you can be sure you're getting the best price. Our written consultations put your expectations and pricing down on paper, for our convenience and yours. Contact us today to request your free estimate.